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Sample Diversity Statement

The Diversity Committee has drafted a sample diversity statement that could be used in a course syllabus.  If you wish to add a diversity statement to your course syllabus, we offer this as a sample and source of ideas. We recommend that you use this as a jumping off point to create your own personal statement.

Diversity of student experiences and perspectives is essential to the deepening of knowledge in a course. I consider it part of my responsibility as an instructor to address the learning needs of all students in this course. It is also the responsibility of all students to exhibit professional courtesy and respect for all members of the class. The course materials and discussions are intended to be respectful of social identities. Any suggestions that you have about other ways to incorporate diverse experiences in the course materials or discussions are welcome. 

If you prefer to be called a different name and/or if your preferred pronouns are different than what are indicated on the class roster, please let me know.  In scheduling midterms and other exams and major assignments, I have tried to avoid conflicts with major religious holidays. If there is a conflict with your religious observances, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can work together to make arrangements. 

Note that the following statement is also supposed to be in the syllabus.

Students are responsible for reviewing the NC State University Policies, Rules, and Regulations (PRRs) which pertain to their course rights and responsibilities, including those referenced both below and above in this syllabus: