Hong, C., Liu, M., Wojdyla, D.M., Hickey, J., Pencina, M., and Henao, R. (2023) Trans-Balance: Reducing Demographic Disparity for Prediction Models in the Presence of Class Imbalance. To appear in Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
Hickey, J., Henao, R., Wojdyla, D.M., Pencina, M., and Engelhard, M.M. (2023) Improving Event Time Prediction by Learning to Partition the Event Time Space. Submitted to AISTATS conference.
Artman, C.M. and Henao, R. (2023) A Robust and Efficient Deep Learning Algorithm for Cardiac Assessment.” To be submitted to AI in Medicine.
Mavromatis, K., Jones, P.G., Ali, Z.A., Stone, G.W., Rhodes, G.M., Bangalore, S., O’Brien, S., Genereux, P., Horst, J., Dressler, O., Goodman, S., Alexander, K., Mathew, A., Chen, J., Bhargava, B., Uxa, A., Boden, W.E., Mark, D.B., Reynolds, H.R., Maron, D.J., Hochman, J.S., and Spertus, J. (2023). Complete Revascularization and Angina-Related Health Status in the ISCHEMIA Trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, [online] 82(4), pp.295–313.
Stone, G.W., Ali, Z.A., O’Brien, S.M., Rhodes, G.M., Genereux, P., Bangalore, S., Mavromatis, K., Horst, J., Dressler, O., Poh, K.K. and Nath, R.K. (2023). Impact of complete revascularization in the ISCHEMIA trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Swaminathan, A.C., Snyder, L.D., Hong, H., Stevens, S.R., Long, A.S., Yanchenko, E., Qiu, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, H., Fischer, A., Burns, L., Wruck, L., Palmer, S.M. (2023). Generalizability of External Clinical Trial and Electronic Health Record Control Arms in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Gao, M., Yao, J., & Henao, R. (2022). A Framework for the Evaluation of Clinical Time Series Models. NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health.
Shah, N.P., Page, C., Green, C.L., Gao, M., Cavalier, J., McGarrah, R.W., DeWald, T.A., Sangvai, D., Patel, M.R. and Pagidipati, N.J. (2023). Bending the Cardiovascular Event Curve by Evaluating the Potential Impact of Achieving Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goal Across a Large Health System Among Secondary Prevention Patients. The American Journal of Cardiology, 186, pp.91-99.
Conference Participation
Xiaoxia Champon:Women for Statistics and Data Science 2023 (WSDS2023), Bellevue WA. Seasonal Variation in Blood Pressure Control Across US Health Systems) 10/26/2023
Jimmy Hickey: ENAR, Nashville TN. Transfer Learning with Uncertainty Quantification: Random Effect Calibration of Source to Target (RECaST), 2023/03/19
Jimmy Hickey: JSM, Toronto Canada. Transfer Learning with Uncertainty Quantification: Random Effect Calibration of Source to Target (RECaST), 2023/08/07