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Apr 11, 2007

Message in a Model: Statistics Professor Hides Pictures, Messages in

Say you’re an aspiring statistician who has just spent hours trying to figure out the answer to a particularly thorny problem.

Jan 29, 2007

Medal of Achievment by PAMS College for 1990 Ph.D. Graduate

Ji Zhang was recently awarded the Medal of Achievement by the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at North Carolina State University.

Jan 19, 2007

NSF Career Award – 07

Congratulations to Dr. Hao "Helen" Zhang for receiving a CAREER Award from NSF!!! Only a limited number of these are awarded each year.

Jan 9, 2007

Young Researcher Award in Theoretical Statistics – 07

Congratulations to Subhashis Ghoshal for receiving the "Young Researcher Award in Theoretical Statistics" by the International Indian Statistical Association(IISA).

Nov 14, 2006

Marie Davidian AAAS Fellow

Seven North Carolina State University scientists have been elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Oct 15, 2006

NC State Statistics Department Marks 65th Anniversary

Almost 100 alumni, faculty and friends gathered for a brunch on Oct. 14 to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the NC State Department of Statistics. Held at the Embassy Suites in Cary, N.C., the brunch was preceded by a poster session that highlighted the department's history and current research.

Oct 14, 2006

Ground broken on new home for NC State Statistics Department

One of the nation's oldest statistics departments is soon to have a new home.