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Annual Faculty Evaluation Timeline

Each year in May, the Department Head meets with each faculty member and discusses a variety of items including the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) and the Plan of Work (POW). For junior faculty, an important discussion is whether a dossier for reappointment or promotion should be assembled that summer. In preparation for that meeting, the timeline and details below are meant to provide clarity about the process. (Post-Tenure Review is a completely separate process and has its own rules and procedures,


  1. March 20th to April 3rd — Faculty members provide updated CV and SFR. For assistant and associate professors, these items are placed in online folders (see below) that will be accessible to more senior faculty.
  2. April 1st to 2nd Wed. of April– Faculty members provide FAR and POW. For assistant and associate professors, these items are placed in online folders (see below) that will be accessible to more senior faculty.
  3. 2nd Wed. of April to 3rd Friday of April –The online folders are available for appropriate faculty to evaluate progress of junior faculty.
  4. 3rd Friday of April — Faculty meeting to discuss progress of junior faculty and make recommendations. Discussions for individuals will be summarized when needed by the mentor or some other designated faculty member.
  5. May — The Department Head meets with each faculty member.
  6. Summer — Outside letters are requested and dossiers are assembled by junior faculty recommended in the above steps.
  7. September – Faculty meeting to discuss completed dossiers and make recommendations. Discussions for individuals will be summarized by the mentor or some other designated faculty member. Individual summary and Department Head letter go to COS RPT Committee.

Details of Online Folders

The following online folders will hold the CV, SME, FAR, and POW of faculty who may be eligible for reappointment or promotion. Previous year versions of these documents will remain in the folder, labeled by the year. In the faculty meeting in April, the discussions will begin with the faculty appropriate to view Folder 1. Then, the faculty appropriate to view Folder 2 will remain and discuss faculty in Folder 2. We continue similarly for Folders 3 and 4.

Folder 1: Teaching Assistant Professors and Research Assistant Professors eligible for reappointment at the assistant level (during last year of contract) or promotion to Associate Professor. Accessible to all Associate and Full Professors. (Non-tenure track faculty may give input but not vote on decisions.)

Folder 2: Tenure-Track Assistant Professors eligible for reappointment or promotion to Associate. Accessible to all DVF faculty.

Folder 3: Teaching Associate Professors and Research Associate Professors eligible for reappointment at the associate level (during last year of contract) or promotion to Full Professor. Accessible to all Full Professors. (Non-tenure track faculty may give input but not vote on decisions.)

Folder 4: Tenure-Track Associate Professors eligible for promotion to Full. Accessible to all DVF Full Professors.