Dr. Subhashis Ghoshal 2010 Eurandom Chair
The EURANDOM professor is a researcher of internationally recognized excellence in the research area of EURANDOM. His or her duties are to participate in the research programme of EURANDOM and present a number of lectures. It is considered desirable that at least one of these lectures is aimed at a wider audience than the immediate colleagues of the EURANDOM professor.
The EURANDOM professor is appointed by the Dean of the Department of mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e and the scientific director of EURANDOM at the recommendation of the Scientific Council of EURANDOM.
Subhashis Ghosal is presently professor at the Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, U. S. A.
His research interests are Nonparametric Bayesian inference, multiple hypothesis testing, high dimensional data, ROC analysis, Bayesian imaging, functional data analysis, noninformative priors, asymptotic properties of the posterior distributions, nonregular cases, Bayesian computation, nonparametric regression, recurrent event data, survival analysis, limit theorems in probability.
Professor Ghoshal will visit EURANDOM in the winter of 2010 and the summer of 2011(exact dates not yet available).