Marie Davidian – D. D. Mason Award Winner (2012)
I am delighted to let you know that Marie Davidian, Full Professor of Statistics at NCSU, has been selected the 2011-2012 D.D. Mason award winner.
This award is made in recognition of Professor Marie Davidian’s years of outstanding service to the Department and to the Statistics profession. Within the department, Professor Davidian is especially known for her outstanding teaching and research, giving leadership to the Biostatistics program, and for mentoring graduate and undergraduate students and junior faculty. More broadly, Professor Davidian is known for her research and for her innumerable contributions to serve and promote the field of Biostatistics and Statistics in general. Her service to the profession includes, among numerous other roles, Coordinating and Executive Editor of Biometrics, former President of ENAR, and current President-elect of ASA.